Saturday, July 9, 2016

For those in the 18-35 Demographic...

.....The Turunn Tribune has moved to:

The Turunn Tribune (TTT) is Sweden's premier global news portal featuring national stories and news from around the globe as seen through the Helvetic lens. Our reporters take real risks to bring reportage with impact; since the Journal's inception in March 2016 we have lost one staffer in action (reporting on violent crime in the United Kingdom) and one was hospitalized in Plainsboro, New Jersey USA (after research at Go tournament). We remain committed to continuing to lose personnel as necessary to bring the freshest facts to the comfort of your own iPad.
In May 2016 we relocated to a prestigious new curated space at Hoogenschloofer 7, Oslo, Sweden. The completely refurbished, modernized, online Journal you are reading is hosted on private servers located in this property and reflects our dedication to make the TTT experience unique. Unfortunately, due to the speed that we had to vacate the previous locale, some of earlier stories are in official custody and cannot be reproduced on the new site.
On behalf of the entire editorial team I wanted to thank you for your patronage. I would welcome any story-lead, feedback or generous donation. You can contact me at:
Enter the number "1500" in the "amount" field and hit submit after entering your password.
Important Note: TTT is targeted at the 18-35 demographic. Those with an IQ higher than 35 are unlikely to find the content appealing. 

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